For some reason, while I was pregnant I always heard that babies will start sleeping threw the night at around 6 months....HA!
Maybe it was just me thinking that or from others personal experience that I have heard,that this image was set in my head. But as Jenna gets older I wonder when she will EVER sleep threw the night. As she goes to bed at 7 p.m. every day then wakes up at midnight, 3 a.m., and 6 a.m. for a feeding. This has been her pattern for well over a few months. Although she has had on rare occasions slept from midnight till 8, I don't ever count on it that it will be her new routine.
But then I think, with all this complaining I do about wanting her to sleep threw the night, I wonder would I even start sleeping threw the night? Actually, I KNOW I wouldn't sleep threw the night. When Jenna does rarely sleep threw the night I am still up checking on her, seeing if she's breathing. I agreed with Aidan that I would do all the night time feedings because of his work schedule.
As much as I sometimes wish to get a full night of sleep, I really do enjoy night time feedings. They are for the most part, the most bonding feedings we have. During the day she is to squirmy and distracted to cuddle. She would much rather explore and move on her own now that she has learned to crawl.
Eventually, babies do grow up and they become toddlers and sleep threw the night, but do they really? Whether it's a nightmare, need to go potty, thirsty, or just scared they are still waking up. Seems like the only time they truly sleep threw the night is when they become teenagers and are sleeping till noon. But then by the time they are this age we are telling them to get up earlier! So what do we really want?
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