Sunday, June 12, 2011

Just Finished Nursing

            After almost six months I have finally finished breastfeeding. I am kind of sad about it but realized I was not making enough milk for Jenna to get enough nutrients every day. There must be some emotional connection or bond that it shares because it makes me really sad to think about quitting. I don't feel like I am ready to stop but that is probably what is best for my daughter.


  1. Can I encourage you to not quit? Even if you need to supplement, she is still getting some of your milk, and there is nothing to replace that closeness of nursing :)

    Bless you!!

  2. Yes you can encourage me! I am not surrounded by to many people encouraging to keep it up! I'm trying to keep going, I love nursing and you are right, there is nothing like the closeness of nursing!
    And the benefits are amazing, Jenna has not be sick once or had any ear infections!

  3. We have a Jenna too, she has Down Syndrome, and I nursed her for a year. She never really got very much, but I knew she needed it an enjoyed it.
    I've nursed all 10 of my babies :)

    You are right that she is and will be healthier, some of my friends even say that nursing develops the muscles in the face that are necessary for proper speech later on.

    You can do it!! I was a teen mom once myself :)

  4. Wow! Ten kids, I don't know how you do it but that is truly amazing. Thank you for the support. Best wishes to your Jenna and family!

  5. I would like to extend my support as well, if you are still willing to breastfeed. I had some issues with my son but we got through them with the help of my lactation consultant and have been going strong ever since (now going on 12 months)! If you want soem links to some helpful sites that deal with breastfeeding issues check my links page out:

  6. Hmm, I am left to wonder why you feel she is not getting enough nutrients.

    Has your doctor told you weaning is the answer? Breastmilk is far superior to formula in all aspects. Very rarely is weaning the answer.

    It's the summer, you're more likely to be dehydrated. Make sure you're eating enough and drinking LOTS of fluids.
    The more you nurse the more you make.

    When did you introduce solids? Solid foods are "practice" at this stage, and should not embody most of her daily nutrition.
    The new recommendation is not introducing solids at all until 6 months.

    So, all in all, my advise is to keep nursing. It's the best possible thing for your child.

    My son was in the 5th percentile from 3 months until 2 1/2, and many people mistook that for him being "too small" or "malnourished" or "underweight."
    He was simply a small guy, and he followed a normal curve completely :)
    And remember, the charts they base percentiles off are OLD and largely include formula fed babies who tend to be larger.

  7. I haven't started any solids yet. She has had some issues with bowel movements for the past month. One time going 10 days without a bowel movement. The only things she has had are breastmilk, some formula, and diluted prune juice. I have been sick the past two weeks while also at school 4 hours a day and that is when I noticed my milk supply decreasing. She would nurse for a long time and seemed frustrated and not satisfied afterwards. I would try to pump while I was away but never got more then an ounce. I'm out of school now and getting better and slowly using less formula a day.
    I really thought all my milk was drying up but I'm trying really hard to stick with it
