Saturday, December 29, 2012

To My Daughter..

For Christmas my mother gave me a book titled "To My Daughter" by Marci. As I was reading through it tonight I ran across a lot of things as a mother, I can relate to and really feel with Jenna, many things I would like to pass on to her one day. One of my favorite things I think was worthy of sharing.

It's titled 10 Simple Things to Remember:

1. Love is why we are here.

2. The most important day is today.

3. If you always do your best, you will not have regrets.

4. In spite of your best efforts, some things are just out of your control.

5. Things will always look better tomorrow.

6. Sometimes a wrong turn will bring you to exactly the right place.

7. Sometimes when you think the answer is "no", it is just "not yet".

8. True friends share your joy, see the best in you, and support you through your challenges.

9. God and your parents will always love you.

10. For all your accomplishments, nothing will bring you more happiness than the love you find.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A Hectic Week

Here's a picture of the stitches, not too bad!

Still has a little smile while we waited in the E.R.
Aidan and Jenna with their matching band aids! 
Snoozin' away Friday morning
The last five days have been a little crazy in our house. Thursday night Jenna hit her head on the corner of our stone fireplace, luckily it was not a very big cut but it was deep enough that she needed five stitches. This all happened while I was preparing to take a test for an online class. So we figured taking her toChildren's was the best option but after sitting in the waiting room for 2 1/2 hours without even going to triage was a little ridiculous. It didn't seem to bother Jenna as much as it was irritating Aidan and I, I think she actually enjoyed staying up past bedtime well, until we got to the stitches part. It took 3 people to hold her down, the nurse holding her head in place, I held her arms, and Aidan had her legs. By the time we were packed up and on our way home Jenna was exhausted and feel asleep shortly after getting in the car. I successfully moved her from the car to her crib without waking her but it wasn't long before she woke up again. I wasn't sure if her head was hurting or the traumatic experience was bothering her more. So Jenna slept in our bed for the first time in a VERY long time. She behaved well (which is unusual)! She is usually the one sleeping while Aidan and I are trying to figure out how to get comfortable around her small frame somehow managing to take up half the bed! She kept waking up crying "momma" like she was reliving the experience :(. But she slept pretty late the next day. On top of all of this, a HUGE project that we have been holding off started Saturday. Aidan and I have desperately been wanting to repaint our room but it has been a much bigger job then anticipated. Although, I do not have much room to talk considering Dennis is the one who has done most of the work! The previous paint was a texturized navy blue. I wish I had taken a before picture..but we are switching to a goldish color, one of the only things we could agree on and would match wonderfully with our dark wood furniture. So it is midnight on Tuesday and here my father-in-law is working away trying to get it done by Thanksgiving. I have been very busy with school cramming in 3 exams before I get a WHOLE week off for Thanksgiving. Really looking forward to this break! I feel very fortunate I get so much time off.

Monday, November 19, 2012

What I'm Grateful For

Jenna and I went on a Starbucks run tonight and it turned into a much longer drive then anticipated. We were having so much fun singing in the car together that I drove past the house so we could finish listening to the song and when we pulled in the driveway heard Jenna kicking her feet against the seat and fussing because she didn't want to end it! But in this time I was thinking about what a wonderful life I have. It is so easy to get carried away in all the stresses of life and forget. On my Facebook people have been posting everyday something they are grateful for (which I haven't done, not even once) So I was thinking about all the things I am grateful for and just couldn't sum it up in a short paragraph.
This is probably something I should look at from time to time to remind myself on those days I feel hopeless how wonderful my life really is.

I'm thankful for the clothes on my back and a full fridge. That we have heating and air, internet and cable. Having a car let alone a nice car!! Being able to go to school and still have money left in our account to buy things we don't "need". I'm thankful for the roof over my head and the country we live in. I'm thankful for a washer and dryer in the house which have become my best friends since becoming a mother!! I'm thankful for the dishwasher and everything else that seem so simple and usual but are really luxurious. I am thankful for having womens' rights and a voice where in many countries they do not.

Stating the obvious I am SO thankful for my family, not just my blood but the family I have created. I am thankful Jenna is happy and healthy. I am amazed by her everyday and the funny little person she is becoming. It is so cliche to say this but she is the best thing that has ever happened to me. She has given me the motivation I need on days when I don't feel like I can do it because she deserves the best life possible.

 It is so easy to become "used to" in a relationship that sometimes I really don't let Aidan know how much I love him. We found out we were pregnant when we were only 16 and in most cases, the father wouldn't be able to handle it. But Aidan has been supportive since Day 1 and is such a wonderful father to our daughter. He is not only a wonderful person in general, but someone I want to spend the rest of my life with. When I think about our future together I can't help but smile and imagine how wonderful it will be to experience life's greatest milestones TOGETHER. I imagine the day we graduate from college, buy our first house, get married, have more kids and it just makes me so incredibly happy that I've found the person I want to share all these things with.

My relationship with my father has always been pretty distant after my parents' divorce but after I discovered I was pregnant completely dissolved. One person who I can't even put into words how grateful I am to have him in my life is my soon to be father-in-law Dennis and he has filled that role.

My mother is someone I really look up to. Her life completely changed in a way she never expected and I am proud of the independent woman she has become. She is also someone who has been supportive of my decision (whatever it might be) during my pregnancy. She never pushed me anyway and was there for many nights and days of me crying. I remember our conversation when we decided that we were gonna keep Jenna. I decided that no matter what I would do whatever it took to take care of this baby and she supported me and still does. Even though we disagree many times, she is always someone I can turn to.

My sister Audra, another amazing woman in my life is someone who I can always turn to. Never a dull moment together. She is a wonderful Aunt to Jenna is helpful whenever I need her. We've been through so much together and will forever be my best friend.

My Grandma is such an admirable woman. I look up to her so much. I hope I can be half the woman she is. Her words of wisdom inspire to go for my dreams and reminds me that I really can succeed. She shows me the simple and important things in life. I wish I could see her everyday and sew together regularly.

I have so many incredible women in my life, another one being my mother-in-law. She is patient and understanding and helpful in anyway she can be. When many people were pulling me in a different direction when I was pregnant, she kept me on track. She supported my decision to keep Jenna even when many didn't see the good in it. And she has still been as supportive as she was since the beginning.

One of my closets family friends The Alford's are a family I am incredibly grateful. If it wasn't for Faith, I wouldn't have been able to finish high school and start college. Jenna always enjoys spending time with her and there is so much love in their house. She is someone Jenna looks up to and I am so comfortable and at ease when she is with them.

Another family who is close to my heart is The Bartlett's. I can't even say how much they have done for me over the years, their advice and opening up their home to me has been such a blessing.

I could go on and on about all the people in my life who I love and am so thankful for, for all the things they do/ have done for me. This is just a short list! I have such a wonderful life and it is so easy for it to seem so mediocre from time to time.